Friday, August 3, 2007

Important principle #5:

Important principle #5:
The most effective way to replace beliefs that do not serve you with those that do is to adopt the witness posture--to watch the process of how a belief creates the results of your life. This watching process causes whatever is not resourceful to fall away and whatever is resourceful to remain. A very effective and easy method of developing the necessary conscious awareness and the ability to do this is to meditate with Holosync.
The easiest and most effective way to replace beliefs that do not serve you with those that do is to learn how to watch as these beliefs create the results of your life. When you do this, you don't have to figure out what is resourceful and what isn't. You just watch with awareness, and whatever is not resourceful falls away, automatically. This is based on the principle that you can only continue something that is not resourceful if you do it unconsciously.
The best way to develop this ability to watch with curiosity is to meditate, and meditating with Holosync is much faster and more effective than traditional meditation. It is also helpful to practice this type of consciously aware watching every chance you get. Doing both together is, of course, most powerful of all.
When you watch it with awareness, the process of creating your results and experience of life no longer happens unconsciously and automatically. Instead, you begin to consciously observe how this happens. As you do this, it becomes impossible to create results that do not serve you. Such undesirable results can only be created unconsciously--outside your awareness.
Being the witness does not mean merely knowing that you do something, it does not mean mentally analyzing what is happening, nor does it mean being dissociated from what is happening--or any other kind of mental gymnastics. It simply means watching whatever is happening, with intense curiosity, as if you were a scientist, without any agenda for what should or should not be happening. It means observing your thoughts, your feelings, your actions, and the results of your actions.
Any number of things can keep you from successfully watching with awareness. One popular way of lapsing into the unconscious, automatic mode is to place the cause for what is happening outside of yourself. If you think something outside of you is creating your experience or outcome (rather than acknowledging that, regardless of appearances, whatever is happening is coming from something inside of you), you will be unable to
witness what is happening. Instead, your awareness will be busy looking for something to blame (this phenomenon is called projection by psychologists).
Humans have an almost infinite number of methods for lapsing into unconscious and automatic thinking, feeling, and behaving. In using any of them, you become unable to notice how you create the results of your beliefs. Analyzing and dissociation are two other popular ways of going unconscious, but there are many others, including overeating, drugs, alcohol, television, sex, anger, depression, anxiety, fear-and thousands of others.
At first, it takes practice to learn to witness what is going on without slipping into some kind of distraction or other way of going unconscious. One of the most amazing benefits of daily use of Holosync is that it automatically creates and enhances the ability to be consciously aware and watch what is happening, both inside and outside of yourself. This ability to be more conscious allows all kinds of internal processes that create our suffering to fall away.

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